What is the best way to invite a girl on a date – call or message?

Call, it seems, is safer, but worse … And the message, it seems, is not scary, but it is not clear whether she will answer … Consider the pros and cons of each method.

Pros of the call

• demonstrates your courage and confidence. You didn’t fainthearted, but called and directly, clearly, like a man, asked “Well, what?” Courage always impresses.

• sets you apart from the crowd. A modern girl with a pretty face and Internet access has the number of fans that ranges from five to infinity. They like her in Instagram, retweet in Twitter, wink in Facebook and hang around at the door. And suddenly one is separated from this faceless crowd, which calls and is immediately remembered. This is no longer an abstract friend, but a real talking person who knows how to press buttons.

• coaches your conversational skills. And then for all these correspondences, we risk losing the art of verbal flirtation forever.

Cons of the call

• you can tell nonsense. The first conversation with a semi-familiar girl leads to a disheveled nerves. You can begin to say things that you will regret later and spend the rest of the day, asking into the void, “Well, why, why did I tell her a story about how, as a child, I stuck my head in the fence ?!”

• call is still too straightforward. Some girls succumb to excessive pressure and the invasion of their personal space (I found this expression on one of the women’s sites).

• maybe it will not work? This is quite possible, especially if your phone number is not clogged in the phone, and she has a common today habit not to respond to unknown numbers.

Pros of the message

• easy and comfortable. And for both sides. You can formulate a proposal to meet at least all day, but when you send “How about some coffee?” The girl won’t guess how much moral and vocal effort is put into this phrase. And she is free to answer as much as she pleases. Although, perhaps, if she doesn’t respond for a year, I recommend you to forget it and move on.

• the ability to sharpen the skills of correspondence. The lack of temporary pressure allows you to calmly search the Internet for a suitable quote of Omar Khayyam to casually screw it in the message. For example: “To be better alone than with anyone. How about some coffee? ”

Cons of the message

• impersonal form of communication. Who knows, maybe you sent the message “How about some coffee?” to several more girls, and now you are waiting for who will answer first (or at least just answer).

• more likelihood of variant reading and misunderstanding.

Surely, after such an analysis, you are completely confused about what to do: call her, write or give up on everything and take another nap on the couch. Here’s a simple instruction for you:

Call the girl if:

• she is over 30 years old

• you are often told what a pleasant voice you have

• during your first meeting the girl seemed to be a talkative

Write to the girl if:

• she is younger than 30 years old

• you worry too much and start to stutter

• the girl at the first acquaintance behaved shyly

But my personal opinion is to call. It is resolute and courageous. And if you stumble upon an answering machine, introduce yourself and ask the girl to call back or write a message. Uh, that’s all. Now this is her problem.

By Cindy
March 8, 2019

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