What is “ghosting” and how to understand that you became its victim

Recently, I told you about the latest trend in modern relationships – stashing. Now it’s time to tell you about at least the latest trend of modern relations – ghosting.

The concept of “ghosting” appeared in the everyday life in connection with the increasing role of social networks in the life of an individual. Actually, without social networks, ghosting would not have been possible, or, at least, would not have manifested itself so vividly.

So, what is a ghosting and how to understand that you became its victim?

Let’s say you’re dating a girl. Suddenly she disappears. And she disappears not as in a detective story – without a trace, from the life of loved ones, but specifically from your life. Firstly, she stops liking your cool posts on Instagram about cutting sausages, then for some reason she doesn’t respond to the comment you left under her cat’s photo, and then she doesn’t respond to your messages (note , all these dramatic events may well fit in a couple of hours).

At the same time, you see that she is not just alive, but leads the former socially active lifestyle: reposts in Facebook on other people’s publications about renovation, likes photos of her friends, retweets funny tweets. But your messages to her in the messengers are still unread.

Then you decide on a step that is desperate for today – to call the girl. She doesn’t pick up the phone. And do not call back. Of course, one would assume that she does not know that the smartphone can also be used for calls, and not just for social networks and instant messengers, but you should not rely on such luck.

In general, congratulations: you have become a victim of ghosting.

The girl continues to maintain relationships with the rest of the people, and it’s as if you don’t exist for her at all, as if you turned into a ghost. Well, or she turned into a ghost for you – it’s impossible to contact her, like most of the ghosts.

The only thing I can advise is: even if you are a victim of ghosting, do not go down to such a low level of intersexual communications. You do not know how to break up with a girl, so that it would not be excruciatingly painful? Easy, I will tell you.

By Cindy
March 7, 2019

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