Stashing is a word you need to know if you have a girlfriend
A new word in the dictionary of modern relationships.
What else could be invented in modern relations? Everything is already invented thousands of times, described by writers, drawn by artists and composed by musicians. Fortunately, there are still journalists! They are able to come up with something new even where everything has long been invented.

Literally, “stashing” is applied to relationships and means a situation where one of the partners for some reason diligently hides the other from his or her friends and relatives.
“Stashing” has become relevant right now due to the fact that many are not getting acquainted in the old-fashioned way, through friends, but with the help of dating sites – accordingly, it is much easier to hide a partner. (After all, if you met through friends, it makes no sense to hide him from these very friends.)
How to understand that you are a victim of “stashing”? Very simple. For example, if you have been dating for several months, but the girl has not yet introduced you to her parents or at least some friends.
You can also overhear a girl’s phone conversation: if she tells someone how great she went to the dolphinarium, but at the same time she doesn’t mention you or the fact that the dolphin bit you off half the hands when you fell into the pool, this is also a reason to worry.
And finally, if a girl does not put hints on your relationships in the ill-fated social networks. Neither flowers, nor a diamond ring, nor your joint child. That is, if you watch her “Instagram”, it seems that in the girl’s life you don’t exist.
Bear in mind that “stashing” does not necessarily indicate that the girl is ashamed of you or does not take your relationship as serious. There are at least three reasons for stashing.
1. The girl is afraid of losing you
Let’s be honest, not all of us are the owners of a healthy, shiny self-esteem. And if in the company of your girlfriend there is someone whom she considers more beautiful than herself, smarter and sexier, then maybe she will hide you from this bitch to the bitter end.
2. She has terrible friends
Really awful. For example, endless foul language. Or they like to touch their interlocutor with dirty hands. In general, terrible. She loves them and for the years of communication has reconciled, but decided to take care of your tender psyche.
3. She has no friends
This happens with people who have less than 100 friends on social networks – alas, such is the modern cynical statistics. She simply has no one to introduce you to, so she does not introduce you. There are also advantages in such an introverted approach to life: in the middle of the night her childhood friend with a bottle of champagne will not come to you.
Remember, even if you have noticed some signs of stashing – do not rush to draw conclusions and expose the scandal to your soul mate. Maybe she needs a little more time to make sure that your relationship is serious.